2018 Construction Equipment Management Program

2018 Construction Equipment Management Program

Asset Management – How To Keep Construction Machinery In Great Condition

Asset management involves taking steps to ensure safe equipment operability, reduce breakdowns and establish reliable control over daily, monthly and annual machinery maintenance. From farm tractors to mining rigs and from dump trucks to tracked loaders, heavy equipment requires consistent routine monitoring and maintenance. Inadequate asset management guarantees that your construction machinery will run inefficiently, dangerously and with a certainty of unnecessary machinery breakdowns.

The following five points define the essence of reliable 2018 construction equipment management:

1) Equipment Operator Training

Even in small companies, it is highly likely that more than one operator will use your heavy machinery. This means that multiple people need to understand the expectations and requirements associated with ongoing inspections and compliance with designated machine checklist procedures.

2) Basic Equipment Lubrication

Establish a daily routine for adding and testing machinery lubricants. Clearly identify the right lubricants for use on any given machine as well as in accordance to specific components within that machine. Include daily checks for leaks around oil seals, grease build-up on pistons and compliance with a routine full maintenance schedule.

3) Routine Checking For Worn Components

During daily operations, heavy machinery will undergo certain vibrations and shocks. On occasion, poor operator techniques can be a further cause of excessive shock, extended high temperatures and advanced machinery aging. Ensure that routine component wear check and replace as necessary is performed on your construction equipment.

4) Cleaning and Environmental Control

If at all possible, store your heavy machinery inside or at least under a covered structure. Continuous exposure to wind and weather promotes advanced rot and rusting. Make sure your operational checklist includes routine replacement of filters, cleaning of breathers and grease fittings, as well as basic wash and vacuum where appropriate. Also consider possible needs for additional cleaning based upon extreme environmental influences.

5) Maintain, Repair and Keep Accurate Records

Without listing all the points necessary in an effective equipment maintenance program, here are a few basic reminders:

  • Bearings
  • Electrical Systems
  • Fluids
  • Seals
  • Tires
  • Tracks
  • V-Belts
  • AND Keep accurate, up-to-date and real-time accessible equipment maintenance documentation.

For a more comprehensive report on equipment maintenance and repair, check out “How to Keep Your Construction Equipment Up and Running” from our September 2017 blog pages.

2018 Asset Management Annual Evaluation

Keeping construction machinery in great working condition is not minor task. You need an effective method for crafting checklists, flagging schedules and evaluating compliance. It’s about crafting the right documentation, providing efficient communications, and ensuring competent compliance. that Assignar construction operations management software does the trick. We have the tools that can help you best optimize your assets and make sure your machinery can take you through 2018.

Learn more about Assignar tools for “Heavy Equipment Maintenance Schedules, Auditing Processes and Added Efficiencies,” here.


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