Traffic Logistics becomes more competitive on large projects and clients

Traffic Logistics becomes more competitive on large projects and clients

Traffic Logistics operates 24/7 in the Greater Sydney, Newcastle, and Wollongong regions. The company provides all facets of traffic management from 3 different depots and a 350+ field team.

About Traffic Logistics

The company differentiates itself by being compliant with the building code 2016, which is an industrial relation instrument that gives confidence in operations. The compliance standard demonstrates the company makes sure their workers are paid right and are being taken care of in a safety perspective.

The compliance and operations standard has helped them to win work at major projects across New South Wales. Some of Traffic Logistics customers include Fulton Hogan, Lendlease and Sydney Water.

We realised that if we wanted to work for the big boys, we needed to become one.

In our industry, it’s important to have the right systems in place. It allows us to scale the business more rapidly compared to paper-based systems. We see many competitors still operating paper-based. 2 years ago, we went out of our way to implement Assignar which we successfully use as a marketing tool when tendering for large projects across the state. Large clients like Fulton Hogan and Lendlease are impressed with the way we run our operations.

We use Assignar as a marketing tool when bidding on large projects.

Besides winning more work, Assignar has helped us with our payroll and safety policies. As a business, we have a good reputation amongst our workers and our clients.

Implementation of Assignar

When we implemented Assignar, it took two weeks to completely onboard our workforce. We have some elderly people in the workforce that were a bit resistant, but at the end of the day, we decided that this was the direction the business was going and in the end, it actually turned out to be easier than we initially thought it would be.

The implementation wasn’t as much of a big deal as we thought it would be.

Now, all our workers are using the Worker app and they don’t have to come to the depot for their paperwork anymore. That mobility has allowed us to open up multiple depots at strategic locations as we are scaling up our business.

With Assignar, we are able to add another 1,000 workers without adding extra overhead costs. It has become very easy to onboard and manage compliance for our entire workforce.

The main reason to implement Assignar was the safety aspect, we were growing fast and consulting on safety issues was getting difficult and time-consuming.

I had to draw something and visit sites to get it signed by all workers. Conducting a toolbox talk over multiple locations with 350 workers could easily take weeks. With Assignar we do toolbox talks digitally now. I get all worker’s signatures within half an hour instead of several weeks. Our communication with the field is immediate, which is vital when god forbid an incident occurs. We get all the information instantaneously so we can notify the client and take corrective actions immediately.

Passionate about compliance

We are passionate about compliance and Assignar has helped us to manage that, the platform has allowed us to scale our operations as efficient as possible. It has helped our large clients and our workforce trust Traffic Logistics that we get the job done.

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