ISO 45001 Intended To Replace The Widely Implemented BS OHSAS 18001

ISO 45001 Intended To Replace The Widely Implemented BS OHSAS 18001

Second Draft ISO 45001 Ready For Public Comment

Although release of the final ISO 45001 international standard on occupational health and safety is expected to stretch into the end of 2017, the second draft is now available for public examination and comment. Currently available on the Business Standards Company (BSI) shop, this draft is now fully accessible to all concerned parties with an interest in submitting comment.

Comment groups will likely include input from:

  • Independent companies and organizations
  • Bodies of government
  • Charity organizations
  • Trade unions
  • AND Worker-specific organizations and unions.

ISO 45001 Defined by Existing Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

By establishing collaboration and consensus between the ideas, needs and viewpoints from a multitude of small and large safety-focused entities, BSI aims to eventually supplant the existing widely used but somewhat incomplete OHSAS 18001 standard. It’s about putting together an OH&S management system that fully implements regulation, guidance for use, and applied prevention against injuries and ill health that pertain to work-related activities.

By providing a clear and focused framework for improved Occupational Health and Safety Management, the final release of ISO 45001 is expected to take into account basic organizational OH&S requirements as well as all pertinent legal necessities. Entities of all sizes will be able to use ISO 45001 as a means for improving their existing or new OH&S performance. Protecting employees and other workforce personnel will be easier than ever. ISO 45001 purposed to be a program focused on developing and implementing the most comprehensive occupational health and safety management system in modern times. And it will function equally well for organizations that deal with multiple:

  • Hiring processes, including temporary works as well as volunteers
  • Contractor groups
  • Work sites and jobsites
  • AND more.

Benefits of ISO 45001 – Safety and Beyond

In the US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2015 report on work-related injuries, records evidence nearly three million nonfatal private industry injuries and illnesses for the year (Injuries, Illnesses and Fatalities). In that same time period, fatal work-related injuries topped 4,800. Worldwide, the figure for work-related deaths tops two million; and this in spite of a global adoption of current International Labor Standards.

We need a better system. ISO 45001 aims to fill the gaps. Benefits of the proposed new standards include:

  • A unique internationally accepted common standard workable in a global community of organizations and entities
  • A process that readily aligns with existing and purposed key management safety standards
  • Reasonable and do-able requirements that purposefully instruct organizations in the design and implementation of organization-specific OH&S management needs.

ISO 45001 Functional In Alignment With Existing Standards

ISO 45001 is no isolated application of OH&S management.  By establishing links between ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and other systems, ISO 45001 is purposed to be fully functional with existing standards. By using the common text syntax and the core structure of reliable OH&S applications, this new standard will be adopted by countries worldwide, and by the hundreds.

Stay compliant. ISO 45001 will purposefully assume the position of the current widely-implemented BS OHSAS 18001. The Assignar workforce and asset allocation and planning software can help you stay compliant.

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