How Electronic Timesheets Increase Invoice Accuracy

How Electronic Timesheets Increase Invoice Accuracy

Electronic timesheets reduce company overhead, ensure accurate invoicing, and enable construction contractors to spend more time focused on points of profit and quality. Yet many construction businesses still rely on paper timesheets as the core method of processing employee and contingent workforce task hours.

Electronic Timesheets Reduce Cost, Save Time and Enable Precision Invoicing

Perhaps it is time for you to consider the taking advantage of the Assignar mobile app? Face it: Managing rates and hours via paper timecards perpetuates an endless cycle of wasted time. Furthermore, paper timesheets:

  • Get lost
  • Sometimes fall into the wrong hands
  • Occasionally result in disgruntled clients
  • Generate unnecessary errors due to illegible handwriting
  • Sometimes result in hours and numbers that fail to add up
  • Promote greater risk of manual data entry errors
  • Affect the accuracy of business and margin reports
  • Are easily damaged
  • Reflect an image of obsolete business management practices
  • Consume unnecessary storage space
  • Delay payroll deadlines
  • AND increase the cost of tracking, identifying and correcting faulty time reports.

Construction Contractors Reap Benefits Of Electronic Timecards

According to a 2016 report from the California Department of Social Services, “IHSS Payroll Processing,” timesheet exception errors account for 1.3% of the counties monthly payment processing (IHSS Payroll Process). Time to resolve the issues ranged from 1 to 20 days. In one curious report, 65,000 timesheets remained unaccounted for twelve days due to a parked and misplaced mail truck. However, the five most common reasons for IHSS Payroll pending timecards were listed as:

  • Blank
  • Unreadable
  • Missing signatures
  • Duplications
  • AND terminated providers.

Now IHSS is a massive government system, yet it remains locked into the failures of a paper time keeping system. The listed problems need not exist. Electronically submitted timesheets could easily eliminate the complications.

Image: Timesheet submission in Assignar.

By automatically processing and allocating data to the correct project and personnel, digital timekeeping ensures a dramatic increase in invoice accuracy. The Assignar mobile app is designed to help construction contractors guarantee that payrules, including EBA pay rates, are properly and automatically applied. Furthermore, all Assignar electronic timecards can be:

  • Submitted on-site and online
  • Approved via the dashboard of app
  • Instantly ready for payroll
  • Establish specified activity differences
  • Customized for reporting and invoicing
  • Configured to include allowances and breaks
  • Defined as Geo location sensitive
  • AND, you can even include an attached photo of your site docket!

Collect and process timesheets directly from the construction site for free.
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Invoicing in the construction industry , Timesheets