Celebrating your hard work in 2019

Celebrating your hard work in 2019

As we get into the groove of a new year, we wanted to reflect and celebrate the accomplishments of our customers.
Organizations typically make the move to Assignar from a combination of disconnected point solutions like timesheet apps and spreadsheets. We are seeing the Assignar platform being embraced by users in the office and out in the field. Our customers are using technology to help them be more efficient, get rid of paper and deliver key data back to the business.

These numbers tell a great story.


  • The level of detail that must be captured in a work order
  • The risk involved in sending text messages and not having the validation of their receipt
  • The complexity of your unique process not being adequately tracked via a spreadsheet or app
  • The effort you put into chasing down written information and hoping it’s legible
  • The frustration of having to take all of this spreadsheet, app and written data and put it all together to give you the information you need to make meaningful decisions for your business

A new year seems the right time to make positive changes- be more active, drink more water or finally organize the junk drawer. Why not make a resolution to improve your business by eliminating disconnected systems that don’t work for you? At Assignar, we’re committed to helping our customers run their business so they can build more.

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