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Construction Guide: Labor Law Compliance in California

Magazine cover

Here’s a Sneak Peek

Wage theft is more prevalent in the construction industry than any other industry.

Some of this wage theft may be accidental, with smaller construction companies not understanding their state’s complicated wage and hour laws. But between penalties, back pay, and damages to your reputation, you can’t afford to make these mistakes.

In the guide, we’ll dive into the details of labor laws in California – where construction companies operate under some of the strictest regulations – and how to prevent costly compliance violations.


Key Takeaways: 

  • The construction industry pays the most back pay of any industry at $32.9 million
  • Employees are entitled to a 10-minute paid rest period for every 4 hours of work
  • Employees get a 30-minute unpaid meal break every 5 hours of work
  • Businesses must keep detailed employee records for at least 3 years

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