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eBook: How Software Uncovers the Blind Spots that Sabotage Construction Management


Here’s a Sneak Peek

Not long ago, success in construction was all about brute strength, working harder, and putting in longer hours. But now, the industry is shifting.

Escalating material and labor costs, talent scarcity, increased competition, and dwindling margins make it difficult—if not impossible—to continue the lessons and best practices of the past.


This change creates an environment that cultivates winners—and losers. Companies that have the right tools, processes, and mindsets in place to perform in the face of rising costs, never-ending labor challenges, and supply chain disruptions will be the ones that ride the wave of momentum.

"How do you really know how competitive you are if you aren’t looking at the data you generate from running your business?" - Ronnie Kurlander | Hartman Executive Advisors

In this eBook, you’ll hear from Mark Dyke, Assistant Professor of Construction Technology Management at Ferris University and Ronnie Kurlander, CIO and Construction and Real Estate Lead at Hartman Executive Advisors, who’ll explain the role technology plays, the workflows it benefits, and how to choose the right tool.

Find Efficiencies with Technology

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