Advantages of Real-Time Construction Communication With Workers

Advantages of Real-Time Construction Communication With Workers

Real-Time Construction Communication – Tips To Improve Communications With Workers In The Field

Even as constant contact with leadership is expected, promoted and practiced, it seems that workers continue to reap the short end of real-time construction communication benefits. Yet active mobile communication with equipment operators, skilled work crews and even basic laborers enables construction contractors with:

  • Advanced methods for logging and tracking worker time and activities
  • Assurance that workers have mobile access to all relevant documents when and as needed
  • Better overall employee morale
  • Competent control of documentation, licenses and certifications
  • Decreased employee turnover
  • Enhanced training tools
  • More cost-effective allocation of workforce and equipment assets
  • Reliable dispatch of workers to the right site at the right time
  • Superior management and allocation or company resources
  • AND Instant feedback of matters pertaining to project delays, quality control and jobsite safety issues.

The following tips will help you better understand how Assignar mobile communication components can help your contractor firm improve communications with workers in the field.

Benefits of Mobile Construction Communications

Direct communication is about increasing transparency, gathering feedback, and a regular meeting between leadership, operators and workers. It is the point of human contact that brings people together on common grounds, toward identical goals, and as a single unit. Direct communication is also the tool that encourages teamwork, eliminates confusion, and prevents field employees from feeling isolated and left out of the loop.

Assignar mobile construction communication is direct real-time construction communication on steroids.

Established communication via real-time mobile construction connections activates the following improved communications with workers in the field:

  • Enables rapid-fire upload and download detailed photos, data and other necessary documentation
  • Reduces inbound calls, on-hold waits and excessive field worker trips to the operations center
  • Improves overall worker productivity
  • Enables better location confirmation, tracking and monitoring of worker status and availability
  • Incorporates Geofencing location alerts, time, date and entry/exit activity
  • Ensure accurate job start to job end tracking
  • Helps avoid labor disputes
  • Enables rapid information exchange via email, text messaging and note sharing
  • Assures higher productivity by helping you keep field workers productive and accountable
  • Reduces and/or eliminates scheduling conflicts
  • Provides real-time in-the-field updates to fieldwork schedules
  • Promotes voice reply confirmations to improve workflow coordination
  • Enables on-the-fly mobile requests for additional parts and/or workers
  • Automates caller identification
  • Permits location-proximity comparisons for quicker workforce dispatch
  • Allows automated monitoring of driver speeds, alerts and tracking
  • AND Automatically archive forward and/or create reports to aid in rapid response to customer issues and complaints.

Read about Assignar mobile uploads, how to edit, approve or delete. Or, for a full report on how Assignar workforce and asset allocation and planning software can help you in the world of real-time mobile construction communication with workers, check out:


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