Project Bidding Success Improved By Compiled Historic Project Data

Project Bidding Success Improved By Compiled Historic Project Data

Successful project bids don’t come by accident. The end product may come across clear and easy to understand, but the background labor used to produce that product must include focused attention to details, an accumulation of operational insights, and competent awareness of the project at hand.

Successful Project Bids Derived From Accumulated Operational Insights

It all begins by having access to all available compiled historic project data. Herein shines the power of the Assignar asset/workforce allocation and planning package. If bidding success follows a host of accumulated and documented project successes, Assignar ensures that the information is reliable and readily accessible.

In short:

  • Assignar makes simple work out of data accumulation, historic project data as well as worker and asset data.
  • Assignar helps construction contractors derive efficiency, profit and company success via construction-orientated analytics and reporting coupled to effective data visualization.
  • Assignar offers integrated competency matrix auditing, custom reports, Treemaps, and much more.

Simplicity – The Essence of Successful Project Bidding

Keep the presentation simple. Plain language helps open benefits, contract and project bidding doors. But the final product derives from deep study of a well-managed time-honed project database. Remember: The person reviewing successful project bids has no interest in long sentences and elaborate paragraphs. He or she is looking to connect with a company that can best suit their project requirements.

When presenting the project bid, professional construction contractors:

  • Keep if simple
  • Avoid confusing idioms
  • Work with facts rather than ideas
  • Use straight-to-the-point speech and writing.

When compiling the project bidding data, professional construction contractors focus on:

  • Capacity to deliver
  • Clear and concise wording
  • Exact unit descriptions and performance requirements
  • Method of payment
  • Precise understanding of the focus project
  • Pricing, Profit, and Required Worker Skill Sets
  • AND the compiled historic project data that evidences company resources, staff, and construction know-how.

Assignar – A Propriety Resource For Operational Insights and Project Bidding Success

Complete and accurate compiled historic project data enables various returns for collected past and current operational insights. By using the construction-based Assignar propriety solution, construction contractors increase the opportunity to win more work, larger contracts, and better paying projects. Assignar tools include:

  • Better time keeping – Know how much time is actually spent on a project
  • Better time keeping – Better estimate margins, and predict finishing time
  • Compiled Competency Data – Evidence compliance to government standards
  • Real Time Accuracy – Understand, maximize and better utilize workforce and assets
  • Flash reminders – Know when certificates, documents or license require updates
  • Audit Trails – Establish real-time tracking on matters pertaining to what, when and who of every project
  • AND so much more.

Don’t linger behind. Use compiled historic project data to quickly produce effective and successful project bids. Let Assignar accumulate, analyze and compile the operational insights best suited for precise and project-specific project bidding success. Review recent Assignar case studies here.


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Innovation in construction , Project bidding